A Thrill of Hope, A Weary World Rejoices.
Well I don't have to tell you how unprecedented or whatever the new catch phrase is to describe our feelings towards 2020. Here we were back in February just looking forward to a CFL season and my Roughriders having a memorable season and hosting the 2020 Grey Cup.
How quickly all of that faded.
Without a CFL season I turned my interest elsewhere. We took more drives. I took up painting. I lost 40 pounds. I discovered I liked free time on the weekends instead of rushing off to Regina for a game every weekend. I discovered I really liked sitting down with a great cup of tea to relax at the end of the day. I discovered I could bake bread.
If you'd asked me a year ago what I'd make of all this I know I most certainly wouldn't have had an answer. Sitting here drinking my Panetone tea out of my snowman mug and still trying to be festive, I still can't put clearly into words what's gone on over the last 8 months. We've all experienced it differently. Both myself and my husband have been blessed to both keep our jobs and with the exception of working from home nothing much has changed. There was a steep learning curve but I taught piano lessons online for 6 months and returned to mostly in person lessons when school resumed in September.
Everything we've looked forward to has been cancelled and I go back and forth every day about renewing my Roughrider season tickets. I never even got to sit in my newly upgraded seats. Just as the song says and as the Roughriders and other CFL teams re-sign and re-negotiate with players we do see a thrill of hope. Vaccines are rolling out and the Health Authority says that we may see a return to "old normal" by fall 2021.
When the clock strikes midnight our problems won't magically disappear but I also know that when we are finally able to gather again to cheer on our favourite teams we will rejoice. Imagine how glorious it will all be when another touchdown is scored at Mosaic Stadium and Gainer tours the field buckled into his car while we high five all the fans around us. A weary fanbase will rejoice.
Until that time arrives, stay safe, cherish your loved ones, Happy 2021 and Go Riders Go.