Tuesday, June 16, 2020

CFL Subscription Club

Imagine experiencing the same anticipation every month that you have when waiting for your season tickets to arrive.

I drink tea at least every evening.  Sometimes it's hot and sometimes it's iced.  I decided to treat myself last week and looked into what kind of subscription boxes are available for such a thing.  I've subscribed to Ipsy before so there surely must be something for a tea connoiseur.  I found a relatively inexpensive Canadian company called The Tea Club and for less than $10 a month I get samples right to my door.  I'm not trying to recruit you but if you want I do have a code which saves you some $$ if you sign up.

There's subscription boxes for all sorts of things.  You can watch hours upon hours of unboxing videos on YouTube.  There's a box out there for everyone.  There's one for the make up artists, book lovers, exercise people, candy and meat people...

What if there was one for the football fan.

What if as a CFL fan you could receive a specially curated of goodies from your favourite CFL team?  Imagine once a month receiving a box that included a player autograph, a CFL sponsor coupon, a pin, players favourite snack, a Charleston Hughes recipe, a small item from the team store, a post card... the list could go on.  You could get the Quarterback box which may include Spitz and Twix and coffee coupons. 

I'm just an ideas person.  I have no idea how to make this happen.  What I do know is that after putting this out on Twitter Sunday night A LOT of people said this would be cool and amazing and would be totally on board with signing up for something like this.

It has to be relatively affordable.  I know the subscriptions I've had have only been around $20 but I could see a CFL box being $30 with quality items. 

This would be a whole new way for the league to reach fans around the world.  It's marketing to people who possibly can't get out on game day and who maybe never will due to location.  It would create a buzz because "oh did you get this in your CFL loot crate?" No, what is that?  It's an exclusive club that a lot of people would want in to just to get the special items that you wouldn't be able to get otherwise.  Mail subscriptions are trendy and it could lure in some of the borderline aged fans.

This idea is a way for the CFL and it's players to reach out to fans when 2020 is so unpredictable.  We have no idea what's going to happen.  Will there be a season or not?  No one knows and everyone is frustrated and impatient over it all.

Of course there's no way to get this off the ground for 2020, I know that.  Like I said - I'm just the ideas person.  I'm sure someone out there might see this and think I'm on to something and hopefully they would know how to make it happen.

Just think.  What if your CFL box was due to arrive tomorrow.  Wouldn't that be amazing?!

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