Monday, January 20, 2020

Well Now I've Done It

Introducing a brand new way for you to follow and engage with myself and ABC Football.  I've started a YouTube channel!  L I N K  Hold the applause *smile*  

I'm finding I'm less and less engaged with written things and meanwhile visual platforms are surging and more popular than ever.  If I'm feeling this way and escaping to the realm of video watching then it's probable that followers of this blog and ABC Rider Fans feel the same.

I can't promise a lot at this point but I can say that it will be fun to embark on a new adventure.

Look up the Channel and hit the Subscribe button to join me on this visual journey.  Here is my debut video which is a short take on Let Me Introduce Myself 2020.  Enjoy!


  1. Awesome job sister!������������
